When I was pregnant with my son, Calvin, I believe I had a serious case of “pica’. You know what that is. Apparently, its an extreme case of pregnancy cravings. During my pregnancy, I craved many things, but the weirdest, cruelest, and “wrongest” craving I had was for alcohol. I mean, I would’ve given anything to have a nice icy cold glass of cranberry juice and Vodka. Isn’t that strange? That isn’t the strangest part. The strangest part is I’m not even a serious drinker! I drink on special occasions and if I am out with my girlfriends I will have a glass or two of wine, but that’s about it. There is nothing that would’ve made me happier than to enjoy a beverage every now and again.

All pregnant women should own my book, ” Baby Proof: Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be”

I know there are studies out there that says having a glass of wine here and there during your pregnancy won’t hurt you or your baby, and I am good with that actually. However, I have a husband who was not even going to entertain that possibility. I guess I had to take into consideration what he wanted because I was carrying a child that was half his (whatever). I know I was not or will ever be the only woman on the face of this planet who can’t wait until their pregnancy is over just so they can have a drink. Are you one of those women? If so, GOOD! Welcome to my lair…blog. I have the perfect solution for you.
Before I get your hopes up I guess I should really say this isn’t really a solution but more like a curb to your appetite. When I was approached to write a cookbook, it only made sense for me to create a book that was inspired by my alcohol cravings during my pregnancy. I wanted to create a series of “mocktails” that had mommy and baby considered throughout the entire book. As the thoughts derived I became impregnated, again, and gave birth, again, to my other baby, my book, “Baby Proof: Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be”.

This book consists of 50+ “baby-proofed” drinks that are delicious, easy, some healthy, and safe for mom and baby. I created three main chapters to signify the three trimesters during pregnancy and each of those haters contains drinks that are suitable for that particular trimester. For instance, in my first chapter labeled “Your First Trimester”, I created a series of mocktails that can help with common symptoms that occur during that time period such as nausea, moodiness, fatigue, and morning sickness. In this chapter, you will find drinks like the Asian Inspired Hot-Toddy, which is made with fresh lemon, honey, star anise, and Goji berries all of which are designed to help aid some of those symptoms you might feel within the first trimester. You will also find my Carrot, Orange and Tumeric Elixir perfect for helping with inflammation and can help boost your immune system.

In my second chapter, you will find more of my fun drinks such as the “Baby Momma on the Beach” and classics like Virgin Amaretto Sour, Virgin Margarita, Hurricane, and Lemon and Basil Martini! The drinks in this chapter probably have the most added sugars if that is a concern, so tread lightly in this chapter. Lastly, my third chapter has more fun drinks but also dessert mocktails such as my Brownie Affogato Sundae, Apple Pie Milkshake, and Raspberry and Lemon Popsicles (my fav).

You can see my book is a fun book not just for moms, but for anyone who’d enjoy a cocktail, hold the alcohol. You can make these drinks for bridal showers, birthday parties, tailgating, or a simple dinner with guests. In fact, you don’t really need an occasion to have a drink, you can enjoy one just because you want to treat yourself. Did I mention that my book, “Baby Proof: Mocktails for the Mom-To-Be” is the best baby shower gift that will be the gift that keeps on giving? You have to buy my book for yourself or someone else. I promise you will be happy and satisfied!