In 2011, I started a blog called “Tickle My Fancy”. TMF was created as an outlet for me to blog about my thoughts on spirituality, love, food,and other hobbies that I like to do. For a company event, I made Green Tea Cupcakes. My friends and family were very curious as to how they were going to turn out and wanted the recipe so they could make them also. With my handy-dandy digital camera, I took some pictures and shared the recipe on my blog. That was around the time when I really decided to blog more about the food that I was making. I decided to create a separate blog only about food but still maintain “Tickle My Fancy”. Well TMF took a back seat to the development of what is now called, Brown Sugar. I thought I was sitting on a golden opportunity to start a blog only about food but when I really got into it I realized there were millions of food blogs already established.

Nevertheless, I decided to stay committed to the idea of starting my food blog and I am super glad that I did. I wanted my food blog to not only be about food, recipes, and yummy looking pictures. I wanted a food blog that would attract and influence young professionals to want to cook more and get more involved in their kitchens. Blogging isn’t my full time job. I work in higher education and I know how easy it is to eat easy and convenient food to get through the day. Very rarely do we take the time to actually go to our local farmers markets and purchase fresh produce, cook with real wine (don’t ever cook with wine labeled “cooking wine” gross), and go to our butchers and purchase a quality fresh cut of meat and really cook. I mean really cook. I think a part of that is because the media demonstrates women or men who are typically in their 40’s or older, have kids, where Keds around their kitchen and, if you aren’t really into cooking, make cooking seem domestic and, dare I say it, boring. I wanted to change that perception and show that people of all ages, particularly my generation (mid 20’s to upper 30’s) that being in the kitchen can be “sexy” and we don’t have to look or play a certain part in our households to really care about what we eat. That’s my angle.
Now that I have been doing this for quite some time now, I want to share with you some tips and resources that I’ve utilize that helps me on a day-to-day basis. What I have done and learned on my own has helped me out significantly and for a person who has been doing this for over a year now, I am still overwhelmed with the amount of resources and tools that I still have yet to learn. Therefore, this section is for those individuals that want to start blogging, particularly, food blogging. I don’t know everything, but I can do my very best to point you in the right direction of what you are looking for.