Okay, finally, its finally here. My very first e-book! In my three years of blogging, I have had many proud moments, but nothing tops this moment. As I am typing this blog post, I am thinking about all the grocery bills, dirty dishes, and failed recipes that I endured that finally got me to this point. Let me say, thank you for your support and consideration for buying this book. Now, let’s get to it!
I am a sucker for love. Also, I am a sucker for good food. This book combines both things that I am a sucker for. I believe that my mission and purpose in life is to bring people together. It just so happen that I am bringing people together with food and love. Hey, its a tough job but someone has to do it. I wanted to create a book that will allow you to have fun in the kitchen and add a little spark to your love life. Let me also say this, you do not have to be in a relationship to buy this book. You can buy it for yourself and cook the meals in this book for your girlfriends, family, or just yourself. It doesn’t matter. I just want you to eat good. Here is a glimpse of the recipes that you will see in the book.
I really took the time and thought about the recipes I wanted to share. This book consist of 24 recipes that has been thoughtfully created for your eating and viewing pleasure. Now let me say this. I know there may be some recipes that you are looking at and thinking, “That sounds too complicated” or “That’s too fancy”. Let me assure you that they are not. These are recipes that are super easy and most of the ingredients (I promise) you already have in your kitchen. In fact, some recipes only require 10 ingredients or less. Let me tell you…YOU CAN DO THIS! If you are trying to impress someone you love, these recipes will get you there.

I know there are a lot of people out there who prefer an real hard back copy of a book. I am one of them. I have several cookbooks that I love and I use pretty regularly. Some of them have stains, are crisp and stuck together from liquid spilling on them, or just look old. So I get it. It makes it more real to have a hard back book. However, I wanted you to have access to something that is digital and you can take with you anywhere. This book can be downloaded onto your tablet, laptop, or cell phone. Let me point out a few reason why having an e-book may be better for your cooking experiences:
- If you use a tablet or cell phone, you can easily take the device to the grocery store with you to make sure you have all the ingredients.
- You can make the font as big or as small as you need to.
- You can take it anywhere.
- You don’t have to worry about the book getting damaged.
- You will never lose it!
Now did I make you a believer? These are great reasons to own an e-book.
The absolute best part of the book is that it is only $7.50! That is it and that is all. If you have followed me and have tried my recipes, then I hope that I have gained your trust when it comes to my recipes. These recipes have been tested and tasted. Every single one of them. I know that you will love them. I thank you for your consideration.
If you end up buying the book and trying my recipes. Please send me a nice email telling me about you experience. I want to hear about your date, the food, and the result of the date. Thank you much!