There are some new additions coming to my blog!
First of all, allow me to say Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year! I was probably sleep or nursing when the ball dropped and while your kids were opening their Christmas gifts, I was changing a poopy diaper. Nevertheless, I had an amazing maternity leave, holiday season, and New Year. With all the developments in my life that has transpired over these past 3 years (i.e. marriage, wedding planning, and having a baby) my mind has raced with new topics and ideas to share with all of you.

I talked about my journey and thoughts on chasing my dream as a full-time blogger (oh so close); I told you my story on getting engaged; I shared with you images of how sexy my wedding was; I cried to you about some of the worse things someone could experience while being pregnant; and I introduced my son, Calvin, for you eyes to gawk over. My life is so much bigger than food and the development of all of these things has been relevant over the past 5 years that I have been seriously blogging. Let’s face it, you’ve watched me grow up. You knew me when I was single and dating to now being a married mom. Why am I only sharing with you crazy stories and awesome recipes again? Yea I know because you like them, but my life is so much bigger than that now. Hence, the change in direction of “Brown Sugar” as you know it.
First, let me assure you, my blog will mostly remain comprised of delicious food recipes that will fill your spirits and bellies. However, being a mom and wife there are somethings I want to share in those aspects and fully express. For instance, I want to tell you about my story and struggle with having gestational diabetes; I want to share with you about how the true balancing act of marriage and having a child can be a struggle; I want to share with you the “sleep training” wins and losses that I am having; and I still want to share with you how I lost my first son to SIDS. A story that is long overdue and needs to be told.
So, when I started “Brown Sugar”, food was a new art that I was learning to master and I had so much excitement about learning new ways to cook different dishes and stretching my creativity to make new ones! But so much has happened since then and so much more is in store that I can’t wait to share! A vague glimpse of my life has been expressed in my blog, podcasts, and love articles and there is so much depth to those area that I am ready to share. My hope is that you will not only turn to my blog for food recipes, but my blog will be an online publication, if you will, for honest expression of questions and struggles for women to relate to no matter the current relationship status; a place for men to come to learn about the mindset of a woman and get an awesome Boneless Buffalo Wings recipe; and a place where we all can learn better ways to raise our children.

With all of that being said, here is my new logo!
I am not only making cooking look sexy but living life look sexy. Again, sexy the way I mean it has no sexual connotation, but another way of saying “cool” but with an edge. I am going to go now and make some delicious recipes and start blogging about my life as a mom 2 months in the game and I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you.
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