Sex is certainly not a taboo in today’s society. It is everywhere! You see sexual connotations in television commercials, print ads, television shows, and music. Music! Let’s not even go there. There are several songs out there that gives off a strong sexual agenda that can make anyone go from feeling good about life, to really feeling good about life. So much so that you want to share your ‘love’ with….anyone. Even the videos that we watch today are practically soft porn (Check out Neyo’s new video, Lazy Love or Chris Brown’s “No BS”). I fear for what it is going to be allowed on television and on the radio in about 14 years. OH!!! Now we have “50 Shades of Grey” that is making the world horny and increasing the sales of hardware and adult toy stores across the country. Side note: What in the hell are they going to do about that movie?
Well guess what? I talk about sex too, but not in the way you think. I like to discuss topical issues that revolve around sexual matters such as relationships, the dichotomy between men and women, and occasionally I use myself as a case study and disclose private experiences for examination. Sex is very much NOT a part of my life, but varied topics that stem from the matter such as dating related issues, dealing with past relationships and experiences, and being young and sexy are usually the topics of conversation that I typically discuss. I wanted to share with you a few of my most influential blog entries so far. These are my top 3 entries that are often visited and I hope are helping someone out there in the world. Hopefully they can help you too!
1. Case of the Ex: This entry is an interview between me and one of my ex-boyfriends. A few months ago we reconnected and got caught up on what has gone on in our lives. He had several questions for me so I thought that it would be a good blog topic.
2. The Loves of my Past: This blog is a synopsis of what I have learned from all of my past relationships and how I see things now. When I turned 29 I had a moment when I looked back on my 20 decade and think about all that I have been through and it made me very grateful of how many bullets I have dodged and how fortunate I am to not have been subjected to some of the consequences I could have endured.
3. Dear Broken Hearted: I basically wrote a letter to myself on the opposite end of a really bad break up. I have been single now for 2 years and in the beginning of the break up I was very sad and cried a lot. There have even been other moments where I relived the breakup all over again simply because I didn’t fully allow myself to get over that person in the first place. Now I am so much stronger and see things completely different. I am grateful for the experience, but I am even more grateful that part of my life is over. So this letter is full of things that I wish someone would have told me when I was going through my tough times.
For both men and women, one benefit of introducing sex toys into the dynamic is to open up a dialogue about sex and what they enjoy as individuals and a couple.