Yep! I have a bun in my oven and the recipe for that is love and a fine ass husband.
First, let me say how amazing it is that most of you have been with me from the beginning of this blog! I’m talking the days when I was single and sharing with you my dating adventures; to the time when I began to seriously date my husband; when we got engaged; our big wedding day; and now I’m having a baby! So thank you for sticking with me these past four years and for those of you who jumped on the bandwagon somewhere between those events, stay tuned for more to come! Now let’s talk about how this baby is kicking my ass.
Without going into a lot of detail, this is not my first pregnancy or child. My first child’s is my angel (I’ll talk about that later). What we will talk about is this pregnancy thus far. Again, it is kicking my ass. I will be 10 weeks this week and although a lot of the first trimester symptoms are starting to subside, I’ll like to go on the record one more time and say, this pregnancy is and was kicking my ass. I knew I was more than likely pregnant when my boobs were a little more tender than they usually are around my menstrual cycle. However, I was not late for my period when I noticed this. The second sign was kind of peculiar and it happened when I was working out and I got extremely lightheaded and nauseous at the same time, which never happens to me. Now, that isn’t necessarily something that says “you’re pregnant” but to me it was just really odd. The next thing I noticed was my appetite was way off. I’m talking I didn’t want to eat one minute and then I wanted to everything the next; I wanted a burger one minute and the sight of said burger would make me want to vomit; and the smell of Buffalo Chicken Wings KILLED me. Next thing I know, I was a week late and I am never let for my Aunt Flo visits.
So, we took about 4 pregnancy tests and they all came back positive. Of course, I was extremely emotional as you can imagine. But my husband’s reaction was the best. To keep that moment sacred let’s just say there was some jumping, rolling on the floor, and crying. All good stuff. Me being pregnant has made him a better man and husband ALREADY! He is much more attentive and sensitive to my needs and doesn’t complain, AT ALL, if I need him to run somewhere and pick up something I need. Now that I am walking out of the “hell-mister”, things are not as bad. But for the first good 2 months solid was hell. Let’s see I had morning sickness but with no vomit. I was sick all the time. There were times that I even dry-heaved, which is way worse than actually throwing up. I was (and still am) sleepy all-the-time. I actually asked our doctor if she can give me something because the fatigue is so overwhelming at times that I need sleep for my sleep. It is inescapable. The only thing I can do is…sleep. However, the fatigue is getting somewhat better. My boobs feel like rocks, I don’t’ think I combed or washed my hair for like 6 weeks, I only wore sweats and t-shirts, and not an ounce of make up touched my face. I felt like crap! Yea, yea, yea I heard and read all the articles about eating saltines, drink peppermint tea, eat healthy, still work out a little, and anything else that you may want to say and believe me I tried it all and although some of the recommendations took the edge off of my symptoms I was still miserable. I just have to endure the torture for the next couple of weeks.
Overall, I’m healthy and doing well. I will be happy when I feel more like myself and I can get back to working out and eating a little healthier. Yes, I have already gained weight! Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting to be like a celebrity and go back down to a size 6 after my kid is born. I’m going to have to do some work. But, I don’t want to be too heavy during this pregnancy and I don’t to walk down the street and people say “Look! There’s Precious!” I want to still feel sexy and desirable while I’m pregnant. I know I’ll get there. I just have to ride these next couple of weeks out.

Now you know why I had to take a couple of weeks off. My relationship with food hasn’t been the most…pleasant, but I am getting my normal appetite back and I do have some recipes lined up for you guys for the next couple of weeks. I ask that you stay patient and continue to pray for me. Also, I have decided to expand my blog to talk more about my pregnancy and how my life is changing versus just talking about food, seeing how that is an unreliable source of creativity at this point. I’d figure I’ll talk about what is happening in my life now and how it is changing. I hope you keep coming back for my stories! Thanks for your patience and continuing support.
Probably one of the most useful and informative blog posts Ive come across in a while!
First trimester and been having crazy morning sickness all day all night, this is the ONLY thing that helps!!!! My last pregnancy I was not sick at all, but this one is hitting me hard. These drops are a godsend!!!