So, I just turned 30 and the biggest question that I get asked all the time is, “How does it feel to be 30?” and I simply respond, “It feels like 29”. Honestly, I feel that I stopped growing at the age of 25. Physically, I feel the same. I am sure that under a microscope you will find something that changed, but, personally, I don’t feel different. In fact I feel better!
So what did I do for my birthday? I had dinner with some friends and I went to a nice bar and had a bottle of champagne. It was nice. I also gained 5 pounds between that weekend and Valentine’s Day (My birthday was February 10th). My good friend, Sarah, bough me a book for my birthday called, “How Do You Stack Up? Book of Ages 30”. I thought I would share with you some facts from that book along with some pictures over my 30 years of being on planet Earth.
1.25% of college students think they will be millionaires by 30.
I never thought about being a millionaire. I mean, sure I thought about what I would do if I ever won the lottery, but I don’t ever expect to win the lottery or being a millionaire. I would be okay if I never saw that kind of money. I just want to be happy, travel, and eat good food. But, a million bucks would be nice.

2. When Bill Gates was 30, his estimated net worth was $233,982,000.
I mean what do you do with that kind of money at that age?!

3. If you invest $1,000 a year starting at the age of 30 at age 65, it’s worth $271,024.
Good thing I started my IRA when I was 27.

4. 62% of thirty somethings think they are overweight.
I am definitely apart of that percentile.

5. 45% of thirty somethings own firearms.
That is one percentile that I am not apart of.

I wonder what that percentage is in Colorado? Another percentile that I don’t make the cut.

7. Only 17% of people in their 30’s say they are extremely happy.
Maybe because most of is think that life is over and goes through a mid-life crisis when we turn 30.

8. If you are thirty then you would be 210 years old in dog years; on Venus we would be 49 years old; On Mars we would be 16; and in Paris we are…surprise surprise….30.

The biggest thing I learned in my 30 years is to love life; people are only in your life for a season; nothing is guaranteed; experience as much as you can as often as you can; don’t sweat the small stuff; eat good food, see beautiful things; it okay to fall in love; love on your family; be responsible with your money; dogs are great; its okay if you gain a little weight at times because it can come off; its okay to have curves; trust your instincts; and always, always be honest with yourself.

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