Hi there, I’m Nicole.
Food Blogger | Food Photographer | Recipe Developer
As you are browsing my blog (thank you for that), there are probably some questions you have that, I am willing to bet. I have been asked before. Please feel free to ask me whatever questions you would like. I am an open book. I have nothing to hide. In the meantime, below are some general things you may be curious about me.

01. What should you call me?
Brown Sugar is simply the name of the blog. I like brown sugar. It is an awesome ingredient that is very versatile. In fact, ” Brown Sugar” seemed more suitable at the time because I started off as a baking blog. “Cupcake” was a name given to me by a peer that I work with. Before I started blogging I was always making cupcakes. So one day a co-worker came in and said “What’s up Cupcake?” I loved it! I thought it was super cute. I typically don’t answer to Brown Sugar though.
02. What do you do for a living?
I am a senior marketing professional who works for a marketing agency full-time. I have always loved marketing because I love finding solutions through creative thinking and emotional storytelling. My blog is my baby, though. It is the area I own completely and thoroughly enjoy connecting and creating a community of people.

03. What is your favorite thing that you have made
The Po Man’s Strawberry Shortcake is wonderful and my Loaded Baked Potato Breakfast Casserole is amazing! My breakfast foods are my favorite. I love breakfast.
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4. Are you a full-time blogger? No. However, I do put in full-time hours. This blog is my baby. No one else contributes to my blog except me. Therefore, I enjoy working on my blog as much as I do. I never thought about working as a full-time blogger a day in my life. I didn’t think such a profession existed. To go a bit further, I didn’t even know bloggers could get paid. Currently, I have a full-time position working for a marketing agency. In any case, I would love to be a full-time blogger one day.

5. Where did you learn how to cook? I got it honest from both sides of my family. It just started with me a little late. My earliest memory of cooking was with my grandmother in her kitchen, and I remember watching her make homemade biscuits. I thought, “This woman is a genius!” I watched her make fried apples and homemade pancakes all the time. I didn’t do good at making that stuff until my mid to late twenties. I think after years of watching cook, I was subconsciously taking tips, and it just stuck. The men on my mother’s side of the family can cook and my grandfather on my father’s side can throw down as well!
6. What camera do you use? My first camera was a Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18.0 Megapixel DSLR Camera with an 18-55 mm Lens. I also have a macro lens, Canon EF 50mmf/2.5 Compact Macro Lens, to get those yummy close-ups you guys like. But my new baby is a Canon EOS 6D with a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens. Before that, I used my friend’s camera, and she has a Nokia D3100 14.2 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera. Before that, I was using a Nikon Digital Camera. I came a long way. I have a post about food photography soon and how to refine that skill. I still have a long way to go, but your photos are very important if you are new to the food blogging world. Good pictures will increase your traffic and make you stand out.
7. What should we know about you? I am goofy, silly, and laid back, and I love cooking. I knew blogging was my future the first time someone I didn’t know sent me a response and told me that they had tried a dish of mine and they loved it! That fulfilled me like nothing else in this world. I love to create easy, simple, and comforting things for people to try with their friends and families. Also, know that I am always thinking about you and what will make your tummies fat and happy.
8. Can I use your photos for my website? I am laid back, and I typically don’t mind as long as the photo is noted that it was taken by me and the traffic is redirected to my site. As long as you can respect that, it will be fine. Please send me an email asking me first.
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Cookbook Author
Yes! I am a published author. I wrote a book called “Baby Proof: Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be.” It is a book with alcohol-free beverages safe for moms.
Listen to my podcasts
Aside from developing simple and delicious recipes, I also record podcast episodes centered around being a wife and providing my prospective, from time to time.
Keep in Touch
Whether you are a brand representative, a publicist, or a blog fan who has a question, I am available to answer your questions. Just send me an email!
Being a Mom
I am a mother of two little people and an angel; sometimes, I don’t know what I am doing. As I learn things, I will share them with you.
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