As a working mom, there is something or someone that always needs my attention. If it isn’t one of my two children, or both, my husband, or my job, something always seems to need my attention and causes me to be on the go. Staying healthy is definitely a challenge. There are a few things that I use that keep my body moving through my schedule and my body in good health.
Are you ready to go back to normal?
What does that even mean these days? I have no idea.
I have not made the big leap to be a full-time blogger indefinitely yet, so I still have a conventional job aside from blogging. My place of employment is wheeling us back into our offices to do the exact same thing we’ve been doing from home for more than a year now. Can you hear the excitement in my tone on how eager I am to get back to my office?! Well, at least I have an office, I guess.
So, now I have to figure out how to move Monday – Friday with now TWO kids, dropping them off at their learning center, and getting to work on time. Not to mention, figuring out what to cook for dinner that is quick, easy, and healthy by the time I get home, which can be anywhere between 5:30- 6:00 pm. Man, I am exhausted just thinking about all of this.

Now, in the midst of this busy schedule, when am I going to work out? When am I going to make breakfast. I mean, I suppose I could do meal prep on the weekends, but that still leaves working out. There isn’t enough time in a day or a week to do all of the things I need to do for myself and my family. Ugh! I get frustrated just thinking about it. But, I have to remind myself of how I like to take life. One piece at a time. Yep, I look at life like an elephant that I want to eat. In order to do so, you have to take it one piece at a time.
Breathe, Nicole.

If this lifestyle sounds familiar to you, then I have some amazing recipes on my blog that you can definitely put on your dinner tables quickly and in a hurry throughout the week. But this post is going to highlight a few of my favorite things that I’ve been using all summer that has helped me keep my sanity and my body healthy.
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
Let’s start with the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. My husband can and does drink a couple of tablespoons of this stuff daily. I am not that committed. He has been doing this for the past couple of years now and swears by it! He doesn’t get nearly as bloated as he used to, his joints feel great, and he noticed a change in his energy level.

So, this summer I opted to implement apple cider vinegar in my diet as well. Now, I can’t drink the stuff (believe me I’ve tried) but I have used it in salad dressings, hot tea, marinades, and even in some of my dishes. Like the coleslaw in my Spicy Buttermilk Chicken recipe! My energy level isn’t as low as it was, but it isn’t crazy high either. Perhaps I’ll keep trying it but with these flavors of Citrus Ginger and Orange Tart Cherry. I may even get to the point where my husband is by just drinking the stuff!
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Minute Rice
Now if you know anything about me, then you know that I am all about fast and easy dishes. That is the whole basis of my food blog, which is to provide all of you with a collection of simple and delicious recipes that are quick and comforting. As much as I pride myself on making most of my dishes from scratch, there are times where that is just not possible. I need to use my resources like my crockpot and microwave! With going back to work, there are going to be times where I am going to need to just pop something in the microwave and call it “good”.

Fortunately, Minute Rice has Brown Rice & Quinoa or simply microwavable Brown Rice in a cup. I can take a cup to work and have it with my lunch or heat it up to go along with dinner. I can pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, buy a bag of steamable veggies, and come home and heat up the brown rice and there’s dinner! It’s the healthier version of fast food!
Tahini Dressing
Finally, there is Mighty SesameTahini. Oh yum! I am a huge fan of hummus so Tahini is everything to me. As mentioned, I’m trying to make healthier choices to keep my body in good health. So, that means changing the way I snack. If I am hungry, I will grab whatever is in front of me to satisfy my hunger and look at the calories of whatever I consumed afterward only to feel guilty later.

Tahini is a great option for snacking, making sandwiches, or even incorporating some baked goods!
So whether you’re getting back to work or traveling this summer, be sure to slow down and take care of your body. You only get one of them so explore ways these options can be inserted into your daily routines!
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