I have two dogs that I love very much! They are a daily source of entertainment for me. Sometimes I can’t help but to hug all over them; and there are days that I want to drop them off at the closest non-kill shelter and not look back. But my dogs have always been there for me. No matter what I say or do, they never judge me and they always provide me comfort when I need it without me asking. They share with me their love everyday, and I wanted to share the love that I keep on getting.
So Baby (one on the right), I have had for 8 years. She is the love of my life. This dog has been with me through everything. I got her when I was in college and I almost gave her away. I am so glad I didn’t. When I first got Baby she was a handful. She ran away from me all the time, she would get in the trash all the time, she even pee’d on my bed twice…on purpose! It took us a while to create wonderful synergy but we made it. I love her!
Now the one on the left is Chakra. She is crazy. Literally! She is absolutely gorgeous, but she is nuts. I got Chakra when she was 6 weeks old. Sometimes I wish she could go back and be a puppy. She was so cute and wrinkly. Baby hated her! Chakra would nip at Baby all the time, pounce on her, and eat on everything. She was such a cute little puppy.
Baby is a Shih-Tzu but I think she is mixed with something else. If you notice, her face isn’t as squished in like most Shih- Tzu’s. Chakra is a mixed breed. Two completely different dogs with two different personalities.
I edited these pictures to fit their personalities. Baby is very prissy and high maintenance. She is a Diva. When people come over she will get excited, sniff around, and then 15 minutes later she is no where to be found. She makes an appearance and leaves. Chakra, she won’t leave you alone and she is rougher than Baby.

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